Jazz Chisholm is handling the World Series loss just fine

You always hear players talk about how losing the big one hurts. How they worked all year to get to the championship, only to come up short, and how it’ll take all offseason to process and get over the loss.

But Jazz Chisholm is already onto Cincinnati.

Jazz is a charismatic guy. Flashy and confident. But even Jazz isn’t above folding at the sight of a beautiful woman. And for him, that woman was Latto.

One look at the rapper who rose to fame with her double platinum single, “Bitch from da Souf” of her album “Queen of da Souf” and the frog grabbed Jazz’s tongue. Yeah, I’d fold too, but this isn’t about me.

You’d think a guy like Jazz would have his game ready, but sometimes 5th innings happen.

You think Jazz was kicking himself 30 seconds later like us schlubs for choking on his spit instead of saying, “hi, I’m Jazz?”

And is there not a more ideal way for one famous person to reach out to another famous person instead of publicly thirsting on social media? Maybe not. Maybe we’re not so different after all.

By MacB

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